Episode 6: From Meaning to Value

How can we metaphorically imagine leaders positioned in an organization, if not at the top of a pyramid? What if scarcity were not attached to value? What happens when leaders "embody" meaning, or purpose, within their organization?

Marti and Todd address these questions, as well as the connections between generating meaning and value, and why stepping into experience itself is so essential for leaders.


2:08 The inseparability of meaning and value

4:11 Embodying value

7:45 Measuring value

13:05 Flows of value

13:44 Value created by function, not position

16:51 Micro-leadership

18:41 Hierarchy is not “bad”

19:59 Identifying context and meaning

20:42 The context of scarcity

23:54 Value and experience

32:27 Leaders help others find meaning

35:18 Leader as the dynamic center within a sphere

39:43 Leadership in self-organizing teams

45:01 Experiential knowledge


“The more different expressions of value you have, the more successful you're going to be. But you can't have those interwoven expressions of value unless you know what the underlying meaning really is.” — Marti Spiegelman

“There are many things that can be known and experienced, but cannot be measured and do not need to be measured.” — Marti Spiegelman

“Consciousness is experiential. You cannot dictate it. You can't sell it. It must be experienced in order to have value and meaning.” — Marti Spiegelman

“A leader has to be constantly sensing into the value of the company as a whole and what the function of that company is contributing to the world — not just to the market, but to the world.” — Marti Spiegelman

“We need to become masters of experience — being comfortable with stepping into the next moment, which can't be known untill we get there.” — Marti Spiegelman

“If you take a framework that somebody else has used and impose it, you're not necessarily going to get anything from it, let alone anything valuable because that framework didn't come from your flow and your connectivity.” — Marti Spiegelman


Bobby Fishkin


People prefer experiences over products

Joe Pine

Experience Economy